Hillary Clinton deltok i går i et Clinton Global Initiative-panel i New York City. Hun kommenterte blant annet det pågående budsjettspillet.
Om mulighetene for en «government shutdown»:
“It wouldn’t be the worst thing for Democrats if they tried to shut the government down. We’ve seen that movie before. It didn’t work out too well.”
Om Obamas helsereform, som nå omtales som «Obamacare» av motstandere såvel som tilhengere:
“Nobody is saying it’s a perfect bill. I served in the senate for eight years — there is no such thing as a perfect bill . . . [While people may] agree with the specifics [of health care reform], they have been in effect convinced the overall program is not to their liking.”
Om det berømte glasstaket:
“We have a lot of challenges. Electing one person, a woman, is not going to solve all our problems. But it provides a kind of boost to the efforts that so many of us have been making for so long.”
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