
    Ukas beste politiske karikatur, 26. mai – 1. juni 2013: Bachmann sier farvel…

    Ukas beste politiske karikatur kommer fra Nate Beeler (The Columbus Dispatch, Ohio). Du ser flere av ukas beste politiske karikaturer på Facebooksiden vår.

    Bakgrunn: Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota, 6. kongressdistrikt) ble denne uken omtalt som «a fact checkers dream«. Det er Glenn Kessler, mannen bak «The Fact Checker»-bloggen på, som står for formuleringen:

    The announcement that Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) is not seeking reelection will leave the Capitol a much less interesting place to fact check. As one of our colleagues put it, “The entire fact checking industry may have to hold a national day of mourning.”

    Bachmann is not just fast and loose with the facts; she is consistently and unapologetically so. No other lawmaker earned as high a percentage of Four-Pinocchio ratings as Bachmann — and she earned an average of more than Three Pinocchios as a presidential candidate. Thus she provided a window into the no-holds-barred politics that has come to characterize modern-day Washington.»Just this year, she has earned four Four-Pinocchio ratings.

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