Hillary Clinton har allerede en Super PAC som står klar til å nedkjempe motstanderne i en eventuell nominasjonskamp i 2016. Men stiller den tidligere utenriksministeren?
Meningsmålingene og populæritetsmålingene — som uten tvil vil dale dersom hun hopper i det — gir tegn til optimisme.
Washington Posts Kathleen Parker mener hun kommer til å stille: «For Hillary Clinton, the time may finally be right.»
«I’ve asked a half-dozen close Clinton associates if she’s running, and they all say the same thing: “I have no idea.” I suspect this is true and that Hillary doesn’t really know. Except that she does know, and all her colleagues really do know, and we all know. Really, don’t we? How does Hillary Clinton walk away from the job that was meant to be hers? Forget fate. What about duty? Doesn’t the first woman who has a real shot at becoming president of the United States have a duty to run? And win?»
«… the calculus comes down to this: She has been working toward this moment essentially all her life, diligently clearing away the brush blocking her path. The zeitgeist is ready for a female president. Most important, she can win — and few think the country would be worse for it.»
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Hillary Clinton 2016-buttons? Her.