
    Mitt Romneys CPAC-tale


    Fjorårets republikanske presidentkandidat Mitt Romneys tale fra andre dag av Con­ser­va­tive Poli­tical Action Conference 2013. Han introduseres av South Carolina-guvernør Nikki Haley.

    Mer om CPAC 2013 her.

    Romney sier blant annet følgende i talen (min utheving):

    «As someone who just lost the last election, I’m probably not the best person to chart the course for the next election. That said, I do have advice. Perhaps because I am a former governor, I would urge you to learn the lessons that come from some of our greatest success stories: the 30 Republican governors. …

    We need the ideas and leadership of each of these governors. We particularly need to hear from the Governors of the blue and purple states, like Bob McDonnell, Scott Walker, John Kasich, Susanna Martinez, Chris Christie, and Brian Sandoval because their states are among those we must win to take the Senate and the White House. …

    «I’m sorry that I won’t be your president but I will be your co-worker and I will work shoulder to shoulder along side you,» avsluttet Romney, og fikk stående applaus.

    Romney roser med andre ord både McDonnell og Christie, to sentrale guvernører som ikke ble invitert til CPAC (men som står på strawpoll stemmeseddelen).

    POLITICOs James Hohmann har mer, og kjører overskriften «Learn from my mistakes».

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