Hver søndag oppsummerer vi uken som har gått, og linker til aktuelle og leseverdige artikler. Denne uken: Penger, arbeidsledighet og nye spekulasjoner rundt Romneys valg av visepresidentkandidat.
Det føles som en evighet siden ramaskrikene fra republikanerne om at president Obama ville få en milliard dollar å bruke mot republikanerne i presidentvalget. Nå er det demokratene som klager på at Romney vil få avsindige summer til høsten. I juni samlet Romney inn omtrent 100 millioner dollar – 23 millioner mer en han fikk inn i mai – og Obama kampanjen (undertegnet Joe Biden) sendte ut følgende «krisemelding» på e-post: «Election Day will be here in less than four months. And we’re facing a big problem right now that could directly affect the outcome that day.»
Ledigheten på stedet hvil
Slutten på en ny måned betyr også oppdaterte jobbtall, og ledigheten ligger på 8,2 % for andre måned på rad. The New Yorkers John Cassidy gir en fin gjennomgang av tilstanden i økonomien, med følgende overskrift: «Obama Needs Some Help»:
«There is no sign of a pick-up in growth, or of the unemployment rate falling below eight per cent, which is an important figure psychologically and politically.»
Erin McPike (Real Clear Politics) mener Romneys liste over potensielle visepresidentkandidater nå er nede i fire navn: Tim Pawlenty, Rob Portman, Paul Ryan og Bobby Jindal, med Bob McDonnell og Kelly Ayotte som wild cards.
«Given this penchant for information gathering, it is reasonable to assume there are at least three data points Romney is considering as he mulls his vice presidential pick. The first is readiness for office, which is a qualification he has said publicly that potential choices must meet. The second is chemistry with the candidate and his wife, a quality his aides have indicated is important. And the third is an ability to fly solo — to campaign on behalf of Romney without him being there.»
Ukens Nate Silver
Ukens artikkel fra New York Times’ Nate Silver: «Measuring the Effect of the Economy on Elections«
«We just do not have anywhere near enough to data to make confident claims about exactly which economic variables are important. For that matter,most of the more obvious choices for economic variables have performed about as well as one another on the historical data anyway. Each one gets some elections right and some wrong.
Let me explain some of the choices I made about the model in light of this problem….»
Ukens høydepunkt fra POLITICOs PLAYBOOK:
MITT ROMNEY, responding to the jobs report, at Bradley’s Hardware in Wolfeboro, N.H., was asked if he should be vacationing «as this rather grim economic news is coming out«: «I’m delighted to be able to take a vacation with my family. I think all Americans appreciate the memories that they have with their children and their grandchildren. I hope that more Americans are able to take vacations. And if I’m president of the United States, I’m going to work very hard to make sure we have good jobs for all Americans who want good jobs and, as part of a good job, the capacity to take a vacation now and then with their loved ones.»
Nøkkeltall fra forsiden søndag formiddag (endring fra forrige søndag i parantes)
- Real Clear Politics sitt gjennomsnitt av meningsmålinger: Barack Obama 47 % (-0,5 %) – Mitt Romney 44,3 % (=)
- Holdning til Obama blant folket: Approve: 47,7 % (-0,3), Disapprove 48 % (opp o,4 %).
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