Undertegnede satt på flyet til Chicago da gårsdagens ufattelige hendelser fant sted. Da vi landet tikket meldingene inn. Sjokk, vantro og en kvalmende følelse meldte seg. Tankene går til de pårørende. Her er uttalelser fra noen amerikanske ledere og politikere om norges svarte dag.
President Barack Obama:
«I wanted to personally extend my condolences to the people of Norway, and it’s a reminder that the entire international community has a stake in preventing this kind of terror from occuring, and that we have to work cooperatively together both on intelligence and in terms of prevention of these kind of horrible attacks. I remember fondly my visit to Oslo and how warm the people of Norway treated me, and so our hearts go to them, and we’ll provide any support that we can to them as they investigate these occurences.»
Utenriksminister Hillary Clinton:
«The United States strongly condemns today’s attacks in Oslo and Utoya Island. We stand with the people of Norway in this moment of sorrow and offer our deepest sympathies to the families and loved ones of those injured and killed.
The United States condemns all forms of violence against the innocent, wherever it occurs. We will continue to work with the international community to combat violence that threatens peace-loving people everywhere.
The United States will continue to consult closely with our Norwegian partners as the investigation unfolds. We remain ready to support the Norwegian Government as it seeks to bring the perpetrators of this violence to justice.»
Mitt Romney, tidligere guvernør av Massachusetts og republikansk presidentkandidat:
“I join with all Americans in expressing my horror at the violence in Norway today. Freedom loving people everywhere must remain vigilant in a world where terrorism threatens our way of life. My heart goes out to the victims and their families.”
Tim Pawlenty, tidligere guvernør av Minnesota og republikansk presidentkandidat:
«Norwegians everywhere are in Mary’s and my thoughts and prayers tonight. We’re especially heartbroken to learn that children were targeted in these attacks. The murder of so many people is a reminder that evil exists, and the world must rally to defeat it. Norway has been one of America’s greatest allies in the War on Terror, and we should stand with them in their efforts to identify and defeat those behind this cowardly attack.»
Herman Cain, forretningsmann og republikansk presidentkandidat:
«Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Norway during this terrible tragedy. May they know God’s healing love.»