
    Ukas beste politiske karikatur, 8.-14. mai

    Ukas beste politiske karikatur kommer fra Jerry Holbert (The Boston Herald).

    På torsdag holdt tidligere Massachusetts guvernør Mitt Romney en tale om forskjellene mellom helsereformen han underskrev i Massachusetts (i 2006) og den President Obama fikk vedtatt for et drøyt år siden (talen ser du her). En god analyse av talen finner du her. Nøkkelsitat:

    As he shifted from Massachusetts governor to a Republican presidential hopeful, he reversed his stands on abortion laws, gay rights and gun laws. Flipping on a fourth big issue might undo him. So Romney has decided to stick with a sometimes confusing, legalistic defense of the ground-breaking health law he enacted in Massachusetts. …

    «A lot of pundits around the nation are saying that I should just stand up and say this whole thing was a mistake, that it was just a bone-headed idea and I should just admit it,» Romney told a room of college Republicans. «There’s only one problem with that: It wouldn’t be honest. I, in fact, did what I believe was right for the people of my state.»

    Flip-flop Romney har blitt No apology-Romney. Overbevist?

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    Are Tågvold Flaten
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