
    Valgkamppoesi: Mitt Romney om miniskjørt og valgkamp

    Running for president of the United States is an extraordinary experience. New, profound friendships are unquestionably the greatest reward; they will last a lifetime. And there were moments of laughter, such as when Ann got up from a collapsed stage in Dubuque, Iowa, dusted herself off, and later ad-libbed, «Well, I fell on de butt in Dubuque.» There were times of exhilaration: winning the Michigan primary, the state where I was raised and where my dad had served three terms as governor, was one of them. And then there were the inevitable «lessons learned.»

    My dad, George Romney, used to say of his 1968 presidential campaign that «it was like a miniskirt … short and revealing.» Mine was a little longer, but just as revealing.

    Mitt Romney (2010) – No Apology: The Case for American Greatness (s. 1).

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