New Jersey guvernør Chris Christie har blitt bombardert med spørsmål om hans presidentambisjoner. Nå har han lagt ballen død, i alle fall slik jeg ser det, med tanke på 2012:
I’ve said I don’t want to. I’m not going to. … There is zero chance I will. … I don’t feel like I’m ready to be president. … I don’t want to run for president. I don’t have the fire in the belly to run for president.
Hvis han allikevel prøver seg kommer særlig disse uttalelsene til å bli brukt mot ham: ”I don’t feel like I’m ready to be president. … I don’t have the fire in the belly to run for president.”
Skaff en mørk mannsstemme, noen mindre flatterende bilder av Christie, og, “Action!”
In his own words, Chris Christie isn’t ‘ready to be president.’ He doesn’t even ‘have the fire in the belly’ to get the job done. America deserves better. Someone who’s ready to serve from day one. Someone who’s got what it takes. I’m (insert name) and I approve this message because …
Voilà! Jeg har skrevet manuset til min første attack ad!
Post script: The Los Angeles Times’ Andrew Malcolm skriver følgende om Howard Deans uttalelse om at han ikke kommer til å utfordre President Obama i 2012:
In America, denying something is a very effective political ploy to convince people of something. … To underline Dean’s point and bury the subject once and for all, his spokeswoman added: «He is absolutely, categorically not running in 2012.»
To prove this denial theory, tonight at dinner, while grinding the pepper, volunteer to your spouse out of the blue that you are definitely not cheating with someone else. Categorically not. No way would you even consider such a thing because you are 100% in love with your partner.