
    Morgenkaffen onsdag 26. november: Etter Ferguson… Intervju med politimannen som drepte Michael Brown

    God morgen! Det er onsdag, og Mor­gen­kaffen er servert.

    «… there are productive ways of responding and expressing those frustrations and there are destructive ways of responding — burning buildings, torching cars, destroying property, putting people at risk — that’s destructive and there’s no excuse for it. Those are criminal acts. People should be prosecuted if they engage in criminal acts. But what we also saw, although it didn’t get as much attention in the media, was people gathering in overwhelmingly peaceful protests — here in Chicago and New York and Los Angeles and other cities.»

    President Barack Obama om veien videre etter Ferguson i en tale i hjembyen Chicago i går.


    Michèle Flournoy, den mest omtalte av de potensielle etterfølgerne til avtroppende forsvarsminister Chuck Hagel, er ikke interessert i jobben, i følge Foreign Policy. «The decision complicates what will be one of the most important personnel decisions of President Barack Obama’s second term.»

    Hva tenker amerikanerne om Obamas immigrasjonsordre? En ny meningsmåling fra Quinnipiac gir en liten pekepinn: Meningene er delte. 45 % sier seg enig med presidentens handlinger, mens 48 % er uenige i beslutningen om å benytte seg av en presidentordre. Obamas oppslutning ligger kun på 39 % i den samme målingen. Snittet til RealClearPolitics: 42 % approval, 53 % disapproval.

    Kongressen nærmer seg en avtale om skattekutt for selskaper, men Det hvite hus varsler veto. Avtalen er ikke helt i havn, men det snakkes om et beløp på 400 milliarder dollar. New York Times har detaljene: «House and Senate negotiators neared a deal to make permanent a list of major tax breaks for business, infuriating White House officials and some liberal Democrats who say the package will blow a hole in the budget deficit over the longer term while providing little for the working class. … The package shows how sharply power has shifted after the Democrats’ electoral defeat. Republicans are effectively steamrolling the Obama administration and the Democrats who still control the Senate Finance Committee by cutting the deal with the departing Senate Democratic leadership.»

    ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos intervjuet i går Darren Wilson, politimannen som skjøt og drepte Michael Brown i Ferguson, Missouri i august:

    Butikkeieren som ble ranet av Brown og en kamerat den skjebnesvangre dagen i august:

    Hvordan har medlemmene av Congressional Black Caucus reagert på hendelsene i Ferguson, Missouri? Roll Call er på saken.


    BuzzFeeds Ruby Cramer har foretatt et dypdykk i Hillary Clintons «skyggekampanje». «Three organizations make up what, together, is considered a formidable triad: Ready for Hillary, Correct the Record, Priorities USA. Respectively, the groups have amassed Clinton supporters, defended her in the press, and made preparations to raise millions to augment her possible campaign.”


    «Allegations Of Police Misconduct Rarely Result In Charges» av Reuben Fischer-Baum ( «A St. Louis County grand jury decided Monday that police officer Darren Wilson will not face trial for shooting and killing unarmed teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Grand juries usually return indictments; the one exception is cases involving police shootings. But more than that, police shootings, and allegations of police misconduct in general, almost never make it in front of a grand jury. And officers rarely face legal consequences for allegations of misconductLINK

    Morgenkaffen brygges av redaksjonen og serveres hver morgen, fra mandag til fredag. Trykk her for å abonnere.

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